​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Quality Vacuum and Flow Instruments for Industrial and Laboratory Measurements

Teledyne Hastings Instruments is a trusted manufacturer of a wide range of quality ​Vacuum Instruments and Gas Mass Flow Instruments​. Our vacuum product line includes the original DV-4 and DV-6 thermocouple gauge tubes, al​ong with other vacuum sensors used in combination with meters and controllers that cover a wide range of vacuum p​ressure from atmosphere to ultra high ​​vacuum. The g​as mass flow line of ​meters and controllers cover a broad range of flow rates from 5 sccm to 15,000 slm that includes a variety of flexible options for outputs, calibration, and fittings.​​​​
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Teledyne Hastings Instruments An​nounces THCD-101 Single Channel Power Supply 
The THCD-101 single channel power supply, controller, and display can be used to operate mass flow meters and controllers as well as vacuum gauges and pressure transducers.  [Read Press Release...]

THCD-101 Quote Request


 Flow Meters & Controllers

​​​Reliable solutions for applications in laboratory and industrial environmen​ts, high and low flows, corrosive gases and very high temperatures.​

 Vacuum Products

Re​​​liable solutions for vacuum measurement in laboratory and industrial environments. 




​May 25, 2023
​Gaithersburg, MD


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